Pertamina’s marketing sector also manages a shipping business line (Pertamina Shipping) which operates sea transportation to distribute various products, such as crude oil, oil fuel and non-oil fuel to serve internal and external demands. Currently, external customers (charter out) include: Patra Niaga, PHE West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO), Pertamina Lubricants, CNOOC and Sea Swift Pte Ltd. Pertamina Shipping also manages other businesses related to shipping, such as maritime under water services (UWS), docking, mooring master, vetting and shipping agency.
At the end of 2016, Pertamina Shipping operated 59 owned ships and 160 chartered ships to transport internal and external cargos. Currently, 8 new ships are being built and will be handed over in 2017 so that Pertamina’s Shipping’s fleet will increase to 77 ships. The new ships apply ecoship design technology, which is an innovative energy efficiency by providing additional devices in the ship propulsion system.
In line with the Government’s commitment to support the domestic maritime industry, the 8 ships are built in local ports, which are Anggrek Hitam, Multi Ocean Shipyard and Daya Radar Utama Shipyards, with a total investment of USD188 million. Pertamina also undertakes a Long Term Time Charter (LTTC) program in order to develop the national shipping industry. In 2016, Pertamina signed contracts with shipping companies for LTTC of 5 small-sized ships.
Besides ensuring cargo transportation all over Indonesia, the distribution needs to be supported by marine services at each visited port. Currently, there are 137 ports managed by Shipping consisting of 107 Special Terminals (Tersus) and Internal Purpose Terminals (TUKS), as well as 30 EP and KKKS ports. Pertamina Shipping also manages 167 docks, 13 Single Point Moorings (SPM), 6 Ship to ship (STS) transfers and 10 Central Buoy Moorings (CBM). Building Pertamina Shipping to become a World Class Shipping Company is part of Pertamina’s vision as “The Asian Energy Company.” To achieve this vision, Pertamina consistently complies with the sabotage principle by requiring its fleet operating in Indonesia to use the Indonesian flag and to empower Indonesian crew members. By applying the sabotage principle, Pertamina contributes to develop the national maritime sector.
Picture: One Of Distribution Patterns (Fuel Distributions)
The shipping business unit implements operational excellence in its own ships by implementing TMSA (Tanker Management & Self-Assessment), which received a score of 2.5 with SIRE (Ship Inspection Report) achievement of 24 units of owned ships. The implementation is needed by the trading ships to dock at international oil ports. After termination of Petral/PES as a single supplier/buyer/ offtaker in crude oil and refined products procurement in December 2014, then procurement/sales of crude oil are directly handled by Pertamina so that Pertamina Shipping assums the task to manage FOB import freight transport.
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