Total EP Indonesie has started the operations in Mahakam block since 1968. Total EP Indonesie is the largest gas producer in Indonesia since 2000 and totally hold 82% of supply to Bontang LNG Plan. In 2012, Total try to improve and expand the business out Mahakam. For the operations in Mahakam, Total EP Indonesie has operations in Miang Island and Tg. Batu with the controller located in Handil.
Total EP Indonesie has already working together with Pertamina for fuel needs with VHS scheme since 2010. In VHS services Pertamina to Total EP, Pertamina provides fuel in Total’s works location, the distribution system is implemented with the standard operation and high safety so that it’s extremely helpful for Total to improve the efficiency of fuel utilization and productivity in the activities of exploration & production operations in Mahakam block.